The information in this section is for professionals who work with adults with care and support needs.
On this page you will find the core safeguarding policies and procedures, which should inform and underpin all of your work.
The information in this section is for professionals who work with adults with care and support needs.
On this page you will find the core safeguarding policies and procedures, which should inform and underpin all of your work.
Please note that documents denoted with an asterisk (*) contain a link to an old version of the Sussex Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures website. Please access the Sussex Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures website via its new URL.
The British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) state that the delivery of public services in all fields should be fully informed by human rights considerations. The Human Rights Act 1998 puts a legal duty on public authorities to respect, protect and fulfil people’s human rights across all of their actions, decisions, policies and services. This involves making person-centred provision and decision-making real at all levels and provides leaders with a way to prioritise and be proactive.
Central to the work of the Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB), “the right to be free from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment” is protected by Article 3 of the Human Rights Act. The SAB is therefore expected to and does adopt a human rights culture, defined as “one that fosters basic respect for human rights and creates a climate in which such respect becomes an integral part of our way of life”.
The Sussex Safeguarding Escalation and Resolution Protocol supports consistent and timely decision-making where there may be disagreements or issues arising between professionals and agencies in relation to adult safeguarding.
The protocol includes guidance in relation to Mental Capacity issues and safeguarding, and has a streamlined escalation process that explicitly ensures relevant safeguarding leads are consulted at an appropriate point.
Key documents:
The three Sussex Safeguarding Adults Boards have produced a Sussex Information Sharing Guide and Protocol, which sets out how information between partner agencies of the Boards should be shared for the purposes of safeguarding adults.
This document includes good practice guidance around record keeping and information sharing within safeguarding meetings and discussions.
Key documents:
These procedures represent the standards for good practice in adult safeguarding in Sussex and have been endorsed by Brighton & Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex Safeguarding Adults Boards. They cover a wide range of policies which should be followed by all practitioners.
Key documents: