Core safeguarding policies and protocols

The information in this section is for professionals who work with adults with care and support needs. 

On this page you will find the core safeguarding policies and procedures, which should inform and underpin all of your work.

Safeguarding Thresholds

This Safeguarding Thresholds guidance provides professionals with examples of the different categories of issues and the best course of action for non-reportable, requires consultation and reportable issues.

Key documents:

Sussex Escalation and Resolution Protocol

The Sussex Safeguarding Escalation and Resolution Protocol supports consistent and timely decision-making where there may be disagreements or issues arising between professionals and agencies in relation to adult safeguarding.

The protocol includes guidance in relation to Mental Capacity issues and safeguarding, and has a streamlined escalation process that explicitly ensures relevant safeguarding leads are consulted at an appropriate point.  

Key documents:

Sussex Information Sharing Guide and Protocol

The three Sussex Safeguarding Adults Boards have produced a Sussex Information Sharing Guide and Protocol, which sets out how information between partner agencies of the Boards should be shared for the purposes of safeguarding adults.

This document includes good practice guidance around record keeping and information sharing within safeguarding meetings and discussions.

Key documents:

Sussex Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures

These procedures represent the standards for good practice in adult safeguarding in Sussex and have been endorsed by Brighton & Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex Safeguarding Adults Boards. They cover a wide range of policies which should be followed by all practitioners.

Key documents:

Last updated: 04 June 2024