Core safeguarding learning resources

On this page you will find resources that should provide an introduction to safeguarding.

Making Safeguarding Personal

This guidance is designed to assist practitioners and providers across agencies to understand what is meant by Making Safeguarding Personal and how to apply it to safeguarding situations.

Please ensure that you consider this information in conjunction with the Professional Curiosity Learning Briefing.

Key documents:

Policies and procedures

Policies and procedures are an essential part of any organisation. Together, policies and procedures provide a road map for day-to-day operations. They ensure compliance with laws and regulations, give guidance for decision-making, and help practice to be consistent.

Key documents:

Safeguarding early warning signs

Early warning signs are the first signs and symptoms that suggest something isn't right. Early signs of abuse/neglect can vary depending on the type of abuse/neglect.

Find out about the early warning signs of abuse/neglect in our Early Warning Signs Learning Briefing. You can also listen to our 7 minute Early Warning Signs podcast for more information.

Key documents:

What is safeguarding?

The following resources provide an introduction to safeguarding, the types of abuse, and how to refer any safeguarding concerns.

Key documents:

On 28 January 2022, the Department of Health and Social Care published an Independent report, Revisiting Safeguarding Practice (PDF, 1735KB, opens in a new window), with a foreword by the Minister of State for Care and Mental Health.

The report sets out the importance of practice principles integral to safeguarding adults to make sure statutory responses are informed by a consistent person-centred approach.

An introduction to the West Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board

We are pleased to let you know that the West Sussex Learning and Development Gateway has worked with us to create a new digital resource: An Introduction to the West Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board.

The resource is a short e-learning course, featuring a series of short animated videos. It will guide you through who we are, what we do, and what resources we have available to support you in your safeguarding practice.

You can access this resource via the Learning and Development Gateway (opens in a new window); you will find it in the ‘Featured Courses’ section. Please note that the Gateway has recently been re-launched with a new site. If you require assistance with logging into the Gateway, you will find ‘Support & Login Instructions’ on the site.

Last updated: 04 June 2024