We have worked with our colleagues in East Sussex and Brighton & Hove to create a suite of resources for use by professionals, community groups and organisations, and members of the public. You can download and print each of these resources below.

Please do support us to raise awareness of adult safeguarding by sharing these resources widely. We hope that having consistent resources across Sussex will make it easier for those agencies who come into contact with people living across Sussex.

Resources intended for printing

The following documents are intended for printing and may not be suitable for users with assistive technologies. If you would like to request any of these resources, please fill in the publications, policies and reports online form (opens in a new window) and request via West Sussex County Council.

Adult safeguarding posters

This suite of three posters is aimed at both members of the public and professionals, community groups and organisations. Each of these posters is designed to raise awareness of adult safeguarding, and to signpost people to the relevant local authority to report concerns.

The text on these three posters remains the same, so please do choose the poster(s) you wish to display based on the imagery you feel will resonate with your audience.

About us poster

Is everybody in your organisation or community group aware of who we are and what we do? This poster is designed for professionals, and community groups and organisations, and explains what a Safeguarding Adults Board is, what we do, and where to find out more information about your local Safeguarding Adults Board.

We recommend displaying this poster somewhere that is accessible to everyone in your organisation or community group, such as a staff room or kitchen area.

Adult safeguarding leaflets

This leaflet is designed primarily for use with members of the public, and includes information regarding who might need safeguarding, as well as definitions of 'care and support needs' and 'mental capacity', and the types of abuse and neglect someone might experience.

The leaflet explains how to refer concerns about adult abuse and neglect to the relevant local authority, and brief information about what might happen after a concern is raised.

East Sussex County Council has also created an easy read version of this leaflet. 

Easy read documents are designed to be used by people with a learning disability, or by people who have difficulty with understanding standard written information. Easy read documents use short sentences and pictures to make information easier to access for people with a learning disability.

Last updated: 08 May 2024