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Our subgroups

To support the work of the West Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board, there are five working subgroups, plus an overarching Chairs subgroup. Each subgroup has terms of reference and agrees an annual work plan, which focuses on the delivery of strategic objectives and priorities. Short term task and finish groups may also be set up to focus on specific objectives or projects. 

Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) subgroup

The SAR subgroup is responsible for commissioning and monitoring Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) and other multi-agency learning reviews in cases where there have been poor outcomes for service users. This is to ensure that lessons are learned to improve partnership working.

Quality and Performance subgroup

The Quality and Performance subgroup is responsible for the effective monitoring, reporting and evaluating of evidence across organisations with regards to safeguarding.  

Quality Assurance and Safeguarding Information subgroup

The purpose of the Quality Assurance and Safeguarding Information subgroup is to develop and maintain a single picture of the quality and safety of the local care market. It seeks to improve the safety of services through early information sharing and intervention within appropriate systems e.g. regulation, quality monitoring, safeguarding and other governance systems and plays a key role in prevention. 

Learning and Policy Development subgroup

The purpose of the Learning and Policy Development subgroup is to establish systems for monitoring, reporting and evaluating training and learning across organisations with regards to safeguarding adults.

Multi Agency Risk Management (MARM) subgroup

This subgroup will consider cases of adults who remain at high risk of harm despite previous intervention efforts. The purpose of the subgroup is to ensure that multi-agency communication and information sharing takes place on a regular basis and to support professionals and their managers in managing the most challenging and concerning cases. 

Chairs subgroup

This group is comprised of the Chairs of each of the subgroups and the Independent Chair of the Board. The group meets before each Board meeting, to share developments from the subgroups and prepare for the Board meeting.

Last updated: 12 July 2023