Concerns about an adult

If you are concerned about an adult with care and support needs, who is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect, the best way to report your concerns is to make a safeguarding referral using the online safeguarding referral form (opens in a new window) on the West Sussex County Council website.

If you would like to speak to someone about your concerns before making a referral, please select one of the options below, for more information.

Once you have reported your concerns to your local Adult Social Care department, they will decide whether a safeguarding enquiry needs to be undertaken.

Adult Social Care will want to know what the adult wants to happen in relation to the reported concern. This might include: stopping the abuse or neglect; having help to feel safe; accessing support with recovery; knowing where to find help in the future; receiving an apology; or having support from the Police if a crime has been committed. There may be other actions that can be undertaken instead of safeguarding such as health or care support.

Last updated: 18 October 2023