Preventing radicalisation into violent extremism

Prevent is the safeguarding part of the UK’s Counter Terrorism strategy (CONTEST) in place to safeguard vulnerable people from being coerced, influenced, manipulated, groomed or controlled into committing or supporting harm against themselves or others in the name of an extremist ideology. Often radicalisation into extremism or terrorism involves the targeting and exploitation of an individual’s vulnerabilities.

The Prevent strategy addresses all forms of terrorism by responding to the ideological challenge of terrorism, supporting vulnerable people, and enabling those who have already engaged with extremism to disengage and rehabilitate.

Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a duty on local authorities to have ‘due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.’

Read the Prevent Strategy (opens in a new window) and find out more about CONTEST (opens in a new window) on the website.

Your role in preventing radicalisation into violent extremism

Anyone who is working or active in local communities can notice changes or sensitivities arising in terms of what individuals or groups might be saying or feeling. For example, you may notice that someone is watching extremist content online, or that an individual holds some extremist views and is trying to encourage others to think similarly.  A group of people may be stickering street furniture with extremist symbols or advertising websites which have an extremist basis via leaflets or posters. You may become aware of a major change in a person’s appearance, dress or attitude which might indicate s/he is identifying with an extreme view. In isolation, these factors may or may not be significant, but like pieces of a jigsaw, they may fit together to provide a more concerning picture.  

Prevent is not intended to add to your responsibilities or workload. It simply asks that you are aware, share this information with colleagues and keep in mind potential signs of radicalisation while carrying out your job.

The West Sussex Prevent process

Prevent focuses on early intervention before any illegal activity takes place. The aim is to stop people becoming involved with or supporting terrorism or extremism.

Prevent does not aim to criminalise people for holding views; it seeks to stop individuals from going to the extreme of committing or encouraging violent activity.

To safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised, a referral can be made into the West Sussex Prevent process. For more information about this process, possible signs of exploitation, and useful resources please visit the West Sussex County Council webpages (opens in a new window).

For professionals only

For professionals only, you can access the Prevent referral form:

Last updated: 27 August 2024